Jin Shin Jyutsu Gift
Call for details 07770 953001

About Cher

Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Chinese Zodiac Year: Fire Rooster
Numerology (6) Personality: idealistic, kind, unselfish
Blood type: A
What I Treasure Most (from my heart): Grace, Peace, Freedom, Joy and Laughter

Interests: Chinese Arts & Healthy Living with Yoga and the Ancient Healing Arts with Jin Shin Jyutsu ®.
Enjoy travelling and love to be near nature. Done scuba diving and sailing.

What’s in the Name?
My given Chinese name is 雪芳 (XueFang) (snow-fragrant). My adopted English name is Cher. Some friends know me as Seat. I was brought up in Asia in a traditional Chinese upbringing and then spent a large portion of my adult life in UK. Since the mid 90s I have been guided by my intuitions to follow my passion to get deeper into my roots, my ancestors and my yearnings to get in touch with my spiritual being.

My desire to delve into my roots took shape in my collections of Chinese books, furniture and my fascination on Chinese arts and crafts. Somehow through this fascination I was drawn to the beauty of Chinese design form, which brought me in touch with the masters and crafters emanating from the field of FengShui. Being a curious learner, my FengShui learning path opened up a far richer world – a web of mystery, mastery and connection with my own spiritual energy and the art of ancient healing with Jin Shin Jyutsu and Yoga and the Yin-Yang of Food for Living and Being.

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to study with FengShui masters/teachers and students, who gave me a solid foundation to explore and develop my own authentic view of the world of Oriental arts and healings. However, my greatest masters were my parents and granddad (they were mainland born Chinese) who taught and showed me what it means to be human. These lessons are more than just memories.

My spiritual yearnings also led me to many journeys of quests for exploration, for adventures and discovery at home and also to far flung places in Europe, Russia, Mongolia, Kyoto, China, Tibet, US, Canada, Thailand and Malaysia. Along every step of my journeys, at times moving through harsh, haunting places to unimaginable landscapes, I was profoundly touched in unforgettable ways by fellow travelers – the folks I met, their smiles, stories and friendships which lingers and stays with me to this day.

My life journey continues with my heart as navigator. Spiritually I feel closer to my own inner self: being me, being alive, being human in connection with myself and others in this magical and fragile world.

I graciously thank everyone who has shared their stories, their support, and their energy and I trust myself to have the courage to share mine.

I look forward to sharing the wondrous ancient gifts with you.

My Jin Shin Jyutsu Journey so far…
My interests in qi/energy exercises and healing and yoga

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