Simple self-help steps #immuneSupport #immuneSystem
Links to #JinShinJyutsu posts:
About 1 min no sound video
A pdf file showing the main central – daily ‘life-force’ flow.
A great poster by Michelle Giambra, Suncoast Jin Shin Jyutsu.
Simple self-help steps #immuneSupport #immuneSystem
Links to #JinShinJyutsu posts:
About 1 min no sound video
A pdf file showing the main central – daily ‘life-force’ flow.
A great poster by Michelle Giambra, Suncoast Jin Shin Jyutsu.
Markey Cancer Center – Introduction to Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help
Markey Cancer Center – Using Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help to Harmonize Emotions
Markey Cancer Center – Using Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help for Radiation Side Effects
Markey Cancer Center – Using Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help to Assist with Nausea
I’ve removed ‘UK’ as this is confusing, as the Markey Cancer Center is in the USA.
Many gracious thanks to Jennifer Bradley for the videos.
Anti-angiogenesis Food from Mother Nature
The above list of food is still being under research.
My take on food is to eat fresh, locally sourced food (this is a BIG challenge) in moderation, and to listen to your own body.
I said in ‘moderation’ as this was an advise given by a Chinese doctor when I was living in Beijing, China. I was very sick while in Beijing, and seek out a Chinese doctor. I asked about food and health, and he said ‘to eat everything in moderation’.
Besides food in moderation, doing Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help daily is one simple effortless way to combat dis-ease, and to stay healthy.